Tuesday, December 2, 2008

So what if I become rich, so what if I become successful, So what.. So what …. So what…

Sri Sri: So what if I don't answer this question?

For whatever has happened you can say so what. But for things in future if you say, so what if I ate anything, so what if I get sick… it doesn't work like that.

"So what", is used to go inwards, not when you are active. When you want to rest, when going to bed, you can use "so what". You don't want to go to bed with your coat, shirt and tie. Just like this mind is clinging on to some events, so we drop it using "so what".

It's a technique. It brings freedom. But you can't apply "so what" in activity. *

1 comment:

  1. That was really gr8 stuff. thanks for your efforts!! am going to post this in the blog - yespluspages.blogspot.com and also refer to your site so more people can subscribe to the email. thanks again!

