Sunday, August 3, 2008

On Sleep and Meditation

Sleep relates to inertia and meditation is the part and parcel of awareness. In sleep you do not realize who you are, what you are and where you are. In meditation you very well know where you are, what you are and you get a glimpse of who you are. That is the state of Samadhi.

What do you call a crystal in Devanagari? Is in't it Sphatik, a colorless object that reflects colors as they are, similar to a mirror? Mirror produces the true picture of any object, though it can never contain the object itself. Do you guess what I am saying? If you touch the mirror it will not be as good as touching the object. The touch implies to the contact of your hand and the glass body of the mirror.

Similarly a lotus leaf. Have you seen a lotus leaf? It is in the water but as soon as it is taken out, it is free from the water! The mind should be like that. It may catch a vision, a glimpse of the event, but as soon as the event is over it has to be untainted, untouched. It can absorb the vision that is ought to disappear. Nothing can get attached to the mind. Imagine you have been watching so many movies for such a long time.

For a moment think all the melodramas you watch in the movies stay back in your mind. What will be the the state of your mind then?

Sometimes the moments of concern remain in the mind and appear in the dreams. You should do pranayama and meditate, to erase such impressions from the mind. Not all the time... but for sometime in a day. Then you become the mirror. You will reflect the object but you are not the object. Sometimes a lot of dust accumulates on the mirror, making the vision dull. You have to
clean that mirror. For example a doctor, who examines so many patients in a day. Patients who visit the doctor only if they have some pain. Imagine the doctor has concern to every pain and starts crying. Will he be able to do his duty? Not at all - isn't it? To be perfect in his duty he just has to begin the task in his clinic and at the end of the day forget all the patients he examined throughout the day.

Similarly a nurse, who treats the patients the entire day. She has to be free from all the agonies of the patient once she completes her attention to him/her and enters the wash room. Wash room is nothing but a changing room for her as agony of the next patient, next to next and so on keep looking for her attention. Imagine she cried for agonies of all the patients she met, in which case should she not run away from her profession?

Yes, if someone is really in that frame of mind or in deep pain and you are there at that time, there are a lot of chances that you also may shed a few tear. You know you feel for that person. But as soon as the person is gone, you are not in that frame of mind and you are back to your normal self. You don't carry the agony. But if it was your family member, maybe you would
feel a little more time. But does the nurse feel like that for the patient? No.

"Alipt" - untouched. When you are untouched, creativity blossoms. When you grow old you go on repeating the same thing again and again. Like that of a child whose mind is not rigid - we need to maintain that flexibility. Otherwise what happens is you get stress and you stress others. Meditation helps you to come out of it and that is the sign of a yogi. You can cry for others, it's ok, but if you keep crying for a person even when is out of sight, that does not seem to be the sign of a yogi.

'Nirlipt' - Dispassion. It is not being harsh or hard to others (people have a wrong concept of that state of mind, of a person). Soft, yet like a gem. Like a mirror, fluid. Simple and sensitive. These are the signs of Samadhi and the feelings of Samadhi will blossom in life.

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